Enrolment Policy

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East Gippsland Specialist School is located in Bairnsdale in a purpose-built facility on Calvert Street. The school caters for students aged from 5-18 with mild to profound intellectual disabilities. East Gippsland Specialist School offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with skills in preparation for life beyond school.

East Gippsland Specialist School provides a comprehensive and innovative curriculum for primary and secondary students with intellectual disabilities. The school recognises that our students require additional resources and individual and innovative support to enable them to succeed.

Specialist schools, including East Gippsland Specialist School have been established to cater for the specific educational needs of students with a disability or with additional needs. Under State and Federal discrimination law, specialist schools are permitted to set specific enrolment criteria and to not enrol students who do not meet these criteria.


The purpose of this policy is to specify the enrolment criteria for students seeking enrolment at East Gippsland Specialist School and the evidence required to support applications for enrolment.

It is intended to provide clarity for the local community on the enrolment criteria and ensure a smooth and supported transition for enrolling students.


Enrolment at East Gippsland Specialist School is based on a student’s disability and associated educational needs. Subject to capacity, student intake may be at any stage of the year, providing the student is of school age and satisfies the eligibility criteria. All applications for enrolment at East Gippsland Specialist School require regional approval.


Enrolment at schools like ours, as well as any select entry, specialist and specific purpose school, is determined based on the school’s local Enrolment policy and/or Entry criteria, along with the Department’s Placement Policy.
For more information, you can:
• visit School zones for answers to frequently asked questions
• findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones
• call the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on 1800 896 950
• email the VSBA at vsba@education.vic.gov.au

Intellectual Disability

A diagnosis of Intellectual Disability from a registered psychologist evidenced by:

  1. Sub-average general intellectual functioning which is demonstrated by a full-scale score of two standard deviations or more below the mean score on a standardised individual test of general intelligence, (for example a full scale score of 70 or below on one of the recommended standardised individual tests of intelligence);
  2. Significant deficits in adaptive behaviour established by a composite score of two standard deviations or more below the mean on an approved standardised test of adaptive behaviour,(for example a Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales composite score of 70 or below);
  3. A history and evidence of an ongoing problem with an expectation of continuation during the school years.

Priority order of placement

In circumstances where the schoolmay not have sufficient accommodation to be able to accept all application from eligible students,the school will manage enrolmemt applications in accordance with the following priority order of placement.
1. Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.
2.Students who reside nearest to the school. The school must ensure that all applicants eligible under the first criterion have been offered a place before moving to considerarion of the second criterion.

Evidence And Supporting Information Documents

To support a student’s application for enrolment, the following evidence and supporting information should be provided:

Intellectual Disability

a) A signed psychologist’s report from within the last 24 months reporting the results of an IQ test and assessment of adaptive behaviour.

The Department provides assessment services to support specialist schools in determining whether the student meets their enrolment criteria. Department regional offices also play a role in supporting specialist schools with enrolment processes.

NOTE: Enrolment applications may not be successful if the requested documentation is not provided or invalid.

Appeal Process

Parents/carers can appeal against the decision not to approve an enrolment. This can occur in relation to enrolments at any age level. Parents or carers seeking to appeal a specialist school’s enrolment decision should lodge a written appeal with the school. The Department will contact parents/carers with further information after an appeal is lodged.


The East Gippsland Specialist School enrolment policy will be made available to the school community on the school’s website.