Mental Health Practitioner

The MHP role has the following functions for students aged 12 years and above:

Direct Counselling:

The EGSS MHP can provide direct counselling support and other early intervention services for individual students identified as at-risk and/or experiencing or demonstrating mild to moderate mental health concerns. Our MHP is specialised in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and other mental health approaches that supports the students in their learning environment with wellbeing concerns such as depression, anxiety, anger, and common school related barriers including withdrawal, social conflicts, dysregulation etc. Our MHP also conducts risk assessments and follows protocols when students are expressing suicide ideation, and/or self-harm at school.

Small Group Intervention:

The EGSS MHP can facilitate early intervention services in a small group and/or provide education to staff about the mental health of a cohort of students.

Coordinating supports

(both within and external to the school):

The EGSS MHP works with students with critical and complex needs and liaises frequently with their external care teams. Our MHP proactively completes referrals and follow up to ensure students are well supported outside of school.

Enhancing mental health promotion and prevention activities:

The EGSS MHP contributes to whole school health and wellbeing plans, building the capability of teaching staff and school leadership to manage student health and wellbeing, and helping to embed mental health promotion and prevention programs and strategies in the school.

Molly Cunningham

Occupational Therapist & Mental Health Practitioner